Our Evening Wildlife Walks take advantage of Orkney’s long, summer nights, with a leisurely wander to enjoy the peace, the soft evening light and the sights and sounds of nature.

There are 3 different walks to choose from:

Marwick Head – A short circular walk taking in the RSPB reserve at Marwick Head, Orkney’s biggest seabird colony. The walk starts at the Choin where we can watch waders and ducks in the bay, before following the path up onto the cliffs. Along the way we will see a variety of seabirds including Fulmars, Gannets, Kittiwakes, Guillemots, Razorbills and maybe even a few Puffins. There are also lots of wildflowers and insects to see. The walk is approx. 2.5 miles and follows a coastal/clifftop path.

Brodgar – Enjoy the sights and sounds of summer, listening to the Skylarks singing and Curlews bubbling. This is a short circular walk around the RSPB reserve which surrounds the Ring of Brodgar. This area is important for breeding waders including Curlews, Redshanks and Lapwings. We will walk through wildflower meadows and along the shores of both Stenness and Harray lochs, looking out for the huge variety of wildlife that inhabits this area. Walk length approx 2 miles.

Yesnaby – The coastline at Yesnaby is very dramatic and windswept, even on a calm summer’s evening. We will enjoy a short walk along the coastline looking at the variety of wildflowers found here, including the rare Primula Scotica (Scottish Primrose). We will watch the waves crashing in, keeping an eye out for cetaceans, and the seabirds returning to the cliffs after a day at sea. If we’re lucky we might even spot a few Puffins.  This is a linear walk (there and back the same way). Walk length approx 2 miles.

All of these walks take place from Monday 13th May to Sunday 18th August 2024.

Please wear walking boots, bring warm waterproof clothing, a drink and a snack. More information on what to bring will be given with your booking confirmation.


More Walks

Flotta: A Hidden Gem

Flotta: A Hidden Gem

  • 9.5 hours
  • Apr - Oct
  • Maximum people: 6
  • £85/adult
Sea and coastline, Hidden Gem Short Walks

Hidden Gem Short Walk

  • 2-3 hours
  • All Year
  • Maximum people: 6
  • £38/adult



If you would like to book this tour please fill out the form below.